V Gimmick Power Pack (For Celebrity Presage)
Celebrity Presage V gimmicks represent an exquisitely “under the radar” utility prop that works hand-in-glove with your Celebrity Presage book – to easily provide EXTRA HITS in a super convenient “no pocket space” format.
This product is specifically designed for use with Celebrity Presage.
This fantastic secret method is layered on top of the many existing mind-reading capabilities in Celebrity Presage, providing performers extra flexibility for an evening of entertainment. Using the V gimmicks will give you even more horsepower under the hood. The beauty of these custom gimmicks is that they give you maximum bang for the buck with no pocket space taken up.
Two power packs are available. Each contains two V-gimmick bookmarks.
One V-gimmick comes with Celebrity Presage. Get one power pack pair, or collect both pairs, giving you five potential celebrity forces altogether!
V gimmicks are also secretly marked, so performers will instantly know which is which – even if they have all five potential gimmicks in their pocket.
The back of the bookmark also conveniently contains the 9-word crib for the Celebrity Presage book test! Groovy right?